Today’s NYT Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for March 12, #1362
Looking for up to date Word answer? Click here to get today’s Wordle tipsand our daily answers and tips for the New York Times mini crossword game, connect, connect: Sports Edition and chain puzzle.
Today’s Word puzzle It’s a very delicious food. It has an unusual ending letter that I never guessed at, so it’s hard to solve. If you need tips and answers, please continue reading.
Today’s Wordle Tips
Show you today word We will give you some tips for the answer. If you don’t want a spoiler, look away now.
Wordle prompt number 1: Repeat
There are no duplicate letters for today’s word answers.
Wordle Tips No. 2: Vowel
There are two vowels in today’s Wordle answer.
Wordle Tips No. 3: Start Letter
Today’s word answers start with letters.
Wordle Tips No. 4: Rhyme Time
Today’s Wordle answer rhymes with dance hall dance.
Wordle Tips No. 5: Meaning
Today’s word answer refers to tropical fruits.
Today’s answer to the word
Today’s answer to the word is mango.
Yesterday’s answer
Yesterday’s Wordle answer was March 11, 1,361.
Recent Wordle answers
March 7, No. 1,357: Force
March 8, No. 1,358: Navel
March 9, No. 1,359: Greed
March 10, No. 1,360: Malicious