Killer whales caught on video in rarely seen bird hunt off Seattle: “Once-in-a-lifetime experience”
A pod Orca Swimming near the coast surprised Seattle onlookers, but by watching whales, they caught birds rarely. The unusual wonder is Capture on video.
Bigg’s Killer Whale’s pod visited Elliott Bay, appearing to be hunting underwater near Seattle’s Marine Industrial Pier. The pod left the bay near West Seattle across the city, where people waited to see them.
Kersti Muul, who runs WhatsApp Whale Alert System for the Seattle area “Salish Wildlife Watch,” The recorded footage is a whale appearing below the surveillance point.
Kersti Muul / AP
Seeing one of the whales catch a bird – a Grabe – pulling it underwater, prompting the crowd to gasp, CBS member Kiro-tv Report.
Seeing one of the whales catch a bird and bring it underwater triggers a gasp from onlookers.
“It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience in West Seattle. Not only was it near the whales, but it also witnessed a little-known behavior – chasing and catching Graybe.” “My eyes ran back and forth to the community’s reaction, and the orcas under my feet were visible underwater.”
Bigg’s killer whales are orcas that usually prey on marine mammals such as sea lions or dolphins. According to NOAABigg’s killer whales are separated from the behavior of other orcs traditionally “residents” or part of the offshore population.
They occasionally visit Seattle’s waters and watch them as they explore dedicated and casual whales. Over the past month, the pods seen on Sunday ventured into Seattle waters several times.
“It’s definitely a bonding experience for the community,” Moore said. “I hope these moments have inspired awe and awareness of urban wildlife in our backyards.”
Jeff Hogan via AP
In recent years, rowers in Europe have reported multiple orcas instances Rush into their ship in a model that plagues many marine experts. Sailors say they turn to from throwing sand in the water to fireworks to fireworks to Blasting whip metal music To resist efforts to invade predators.