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Sleep Awareness Month Matters to Me. Here’s Why You Should Care, Too | Global News Avenue

Sleep Awareness Month Matters to Me. Here’s Why You Should Care, Too

For the sleep awareness month, I spent some time thinking about the role of sleep in every aspect of my life and why it is crucial to my happiness. Amount and Quality of sleep I will affect my mood every night. productivity And, more surprisingly, my health is other areas, such as My Diet. For me, this is not the case. Sleep affects all humans widely. Let’s talk about why everyone should care about their sleep.

Consider sleep awareness month

I think it’s aware of my rest and my priorities Overall health. It is in this reflection that I realize that my sleep is taken for granted, mainly because I don’t have enough time in my life. I missed a lot of sleep when I was a kid because it was debilitating Anxiety will keep me awake. Although sleep is easy to get to me now, I still feel like I Chase sometimes.

I also noticed that I use sleep as a coping mechanism. This may have been picked up in college, and this habit has flowed into my post-life. My first thought when I feel stressed and overwhelmed is Quick nap. Although there are worse vices there, I noticed My nap Sometimes it messes up my sleep at night.

Read more: The best mattress

Explore sleep technology

Test eight sleeping nacelle covers

Eight sleep POD 3 covers produce various sleep data.

Caroline Igo/CNET

I’ve tested some Sleep technology,include Eight sleeping pods 3 covers. The cover of the heating and cooling mattress tracked my sleep, sleep quality, sleep phase, heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate and sleep latency. Combined with mine Garmin pioneer smartwatchI compared the sleep data of mattress pods and came up with some interesting results. Here is what I found:

First, I didn’t have enough deep sleep. I don’t recommend you to have a deep sleep of 1.5 to 2 hours, but about 45 minutes to an hour. Secondly, I woke up a lot at night. I see in the data that I’m waking up three or four times, which causes my overall sleep quality to be reduced. These awakening periods are more than just quick toss or turns. I was waking up and couldn’t go back to bed right away.

Thankfully, after a month of eight sleep pods, I noticed my sleep increased and I woke up very little at night. I believe it is due to a few things: I have to go to bed and wake up every day, I exercise during the day (not too close to bedtime), and I have been using eight sleeps all the time. POD mimics the natural temperature cycle of the human body at night and helps adjust you to the best. As Popular sleeperssome of my wake-up time is due to my sweating under the bedspread. The pod calmed me down, which most likely helped improve my sleep quality.

Read more: I always wake up. I use technology and science to be better

The impact of sleep on all aspects of life

White bedding on white alarm clock.

ekaterina vasileva-bagler/getty image

These are some aspects of life where sleep plays an important role and what I know about myself and my rest.

Mental Health

My sleep and mental health have been going hand in hand with it. When I have poor sleep it seems to reduce my ability to cope with daily stress and increase anxiety. Research shows that mental health and sleep affect each other. While worries and anxiety can keep you awake, About 75% of people with depression There are also Insomnia and Sleep problems. Also, yours Circadian rhythms may cause your mental health. Those with circadian rhythm interruption reportedly suffer from mood disorders, anxiety, or schizophrenia.

Nutrition and proper diet

I’m guilty Have snacks before going to bed. And some food Contains magnesium – Like nuts – can promote sleep and until the past month, I have chosen bad food before bed. Eating sugary, fat or spicy foods before going to bed can keep you awake. also Foods that affect your sleeppoor sleep It can cause slow metabolism. Losing sleep or sleep deprivation can affect your glucose metabolism.

Fitness and exercise

In addition to focusing on my sleep, I also spent the last month forming a new exercise routine. I ran two to three times a week, did two days of cardio, and took two days off for the rest of the days. Any exercise Yogarunning, dancing or swim able Benefit from proper sleep. On days when I didn’t have enough rest, I was too slow to push myself to run faster. I also think that my new exercise routine helps my sleep quality as deep sleep increases. Research shows This exercise can encourage better sleep.

Why is Sleep Awareness Month really important

While Sleep Awareness Month is only used in March months, our appreciation for the body, mind, and well-being should not be temporary. Sleep, the basic physical function, touches every aspect of our lives. Without proper sleep, we will not be able to run faster, better fuel the body and manage daily stress. As far as our overall health is concerned, sleep is not only a foundation, but also a foundation.

It is important to note that whenever you worry about your health, whether it’s sleep, mental or physical health, nutrition or fitness, you should talk to your doctor first. Especially if you are struggling with your sleep, talking to a doctor is the first step toward a better rest.



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