South Africa observes Commonwealth Day
On March 10, 2025, the Commonwealth member states will commemorate Commonwealth Day. Commonwealth Day is an annual celebration observed by people across the Commonwealth in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas, as well as the Pacific and Europe.
Celebrating Commonwealth Day to renew our connections with the organization, strengthen our commitment to Commonwealth values, and reinforcing the alliances of member states.
The federal theme for 2025 is Let’s grow together. This year’s theme highlights the power of partnerships, reaffirming that we are stronger and more resilient than when we stand alone.
The topic is also based on the results and vision of transformation discussed in the President of the Federal Government (Chogm 2024) held at the APIA from October 24 to 25, 2024.
South Africa attaches great importance to the role of the Commonwealth in promoting and protecting the values and principles set forth in the Commonwealth Charter. Commonwealth ownership and directing the activities of the Commonwealth to truly achieve our development goals for all Member States, remains vital to South Africa.
As a member of the organization, since 1994, South Africa believes that the Commonwealth continues to play an important role in a world that is increasingly opposed to the forces that promote multilateralism and international solidarity and cooperation. The organization represents countries from the entire development scope and should leverage its unique status and membership from the world to continue its call for strengthening existing multilateral mechanisms and institutions and converting them into suitable for the current global reality. The Commonwealth provides opportunities to address issues of common interests, including the implementation of development goals and reforms to the constitution of global governance, especially the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations.
The Commonwealth must be at the forefront of its struggle to develop and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, gender equality and the empowerment of women.
Only by increasing solidarity can the 56 members of the Commonwealth help each other to meet the challenges we are currently facing. This will ensure that the Commonwealth continues to remain relevant and develop.
On Commonwealth Day, South Africa renewed its commitment to uphold and serve the Commonwealth values and fellowship.
Distributed by Apo Group on behalf of the Republic of South Africa: Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation.