This Was the Best Time to List a House Last Year
Late spring can bring higher temperatures and higher housing prices.
According to a recent Zillow analysis, homes listed in late May last year sold for 1.6% higher than usual, which compared transaction prices to estimates of the company’s home value. That means a typical U.S. home price is about $5,600, Zillow said.
Shoppers tend to take home hunting seriously before summer vacation and at the start of the fall of the new school year, Zillow said, so late spring goals can help sellers list homes when most people look for them.
Zillow said housing prices at different times of the year are affected by location and a range of other factors – prevailing in a specific market. Last year in San Jose, California, the largest premium was in early March, higher than 5%
However, although the best sales time can range from March to June or even July, according to the company, Late May has always been a good time to sell.
This year, many potential home buyers Waiting for the markethoping to lower mortgage rates and prices and higher inventory.