Arrest over child killed by car on Kendal sports pitch

A man was questioned for the death of a child and injured another man, who was hit by a car into a fence and hit the car on the sports field.
Both are Crashing Kendall Rugby Club Cumbria police said Wednesday it was around 17:00 GMT.
The male driver, who was in his 40s, was arrested at the scene for suspected dangerous driving, resulting in death.
The district’s Congressman Tim Farron described the crash as “destructive, heartbreaking news” and added: “We were stunned and mourned in the Kendall community.”
Late at night, the rugby club had a police presence at the rugby club, and the police said the car involved was a black BMW I40.

The Canon Hill Trainee Pastor from Kendall Parish Church said a moment of silence was held after Wednesday’s Ashes service because it was difficult to find something to say at such a time”.
“Kendall is a very close community, and a lot of people will have connections with rugby clubs and people will know the kids involved,” she told her. BBC Radio Cumbria County.

Jennie Dennett, BBC Radio Cumbria County
The sunrise here ignites the icy pitch, and the attraction is two curved fence panels that are pitched side, opposite the club parking lot.
The green panels bent in front of the pull-down field, with blue and white police tapes on the gaps in the fence.
This shows the terrible consequences of yesterday’s collapse.