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Congo and the African Development Bank celebrate the strengthening of their strategic partnership for inclusive and sustainable development | Global News Avenue

Congo and the African Development Bank celebrate the strengthening of their strategic partnership for inclusive and sustainable development

African Development Bank Group (AFDB)

African Development Bank Group (AFDB)

Talks held by the African Development Bank Group (www.afdb.org) From 24 to 28 February 2025, in the Republic of Congo, an important step was taken in strengthening the strategic partnership between banks and Central African countries.

Under the leadership of Solomane Koné, Acting Director-General of Central Africa, the discussions have strengthened cooperation to accelerate national development priorities.

They are also in line with the signing of two grant agreements (apo-opa.co/41HG8HS) Total $1.5 million to meet the energy challenges in Congo:

  • A grant of $585,000 is provided in the Technical Assistance Fund for Middle Income Countries to fund feasibility studies on the Congo River hydro infrastructure.
  • A $995,000 grant was received from the Korea-Africa Trust Fund for Economic Cooperation (KOAFEC) to enhance the electrical transmission line between Pointe-Noire and Brazzaville.

“The projects funded by these agreements will help us open up our power pools with neighboring countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The African Development Bank will once again play an important role as it is a stakeholder of many initiatives, including the New Mission 300 (apo-opa.co/41qmj1fOur country welcomes the Congo’s Minister of Economic, Planning and Regional Integration Ludovic Ngatsé commented that he is also the governor of the banking group.

“This financial support demonstrates the bank’s willingness to support the modernization of Congo’s energy infrastructure, which is crucial to diversifying its economy,” Koné added.

In the digital realm, access the data center (https://apo-opa.co/3xrgmjt) is currently being built in Congo and highlights the technological advances in the country as part of the Central African backbone fiber fiber project. This strategic center will help improve national and regional connectivity while supporting the emergence of an inclusive digital economy and sovereignty.

Strategic discussions for stronger collaboration

The banking group’s mission was also subject to high-level meetings, including with the Prime Minister, Anatole Collinet Makosso, the Minister of Economy, Program and Regional Integration, Ludovic Ngatsé, and other members of the Congolese government. The negotiations are an opportunity to reaffirm banks’ commitment to supporting structural reform and implementing the Congo National Development Plan (NDP) 2022-2026.

The mission of the Bank Group encourages the government to continue to implement major reforms, especially in debt management, allowing banks to provide funding from 2025, starting from 2025, for core projects that have been planned or are being prepared, especially in the energy sector.

“You will continue to abide by our commitments and will continue to rely on the valuable support of the bank, which gives you peace of mind,” the Congolese Prime Minister said.

The representative of the bank was welcomed by the Ministers of Agriculture, Livestock Farming and Fishing. Technical and vocational education; financial, budget and public holding; and energy and water, etc. The talks with ministers helped consolidate strategic dialogue on key issues, review the progress of the current project (some of which are being completed and tangible results) to monitor commitments, and discuss the prospects of a partnership between the African Development Bank Group and the Republic of the Congo.

Meetings with the United Nations representatives also provide opportunities to explore synergies with banks to maximize the impact of interventions, especially in energy. The working meeting with the Central African Electric Battery highlighted the importance of regional integration in the sector in addressing the country’s energy security and access challenges.

Prospects of active cooperation

The banking group’s mission to Congo also provides the prospect of supporting strategic sectors, especially energy, digital infrastructure and roads, for mobilizing new funds.

The Bank Group’s mission is Congo to explore new funding opportunities in key sectors, including energy, digital infrastructure and roads.

The bank plans to provide technical assistance to help Congo reassess its GDP and combine natural capital, a key step in unlocking climate funding.

Congo also expressed interest in joining the second energy contract under Mission No. 300 (https://apo-opa.co/41qs981), a joint initiative of the African Development Bank and the World Bank.

Finally, the discussion covered the Congolese hosting of the bank’s 2026 meeting, and the Prime Minister reiterated the country’s preparations for activities to ensure successful.

The bank plans to provide technical assistance to support Congo “reevaluating” its GDP to take into account its natural capital, creating real opportunities to mobilize climate funds.

In addition, Congo has expressed interest in becoming part of the second country working on the energy contract in mission 300 (https://apo-opa.co/3xvrd15), an unprecedented initiative by the African Development Bank and the World Bank. Finally, the mission was discussed by the Congo at the 2026 annual meeting of the Banking Group. The Congolese Prime Minister prepares for his country and promises success.

“The relationship between the African Development Bank and the Republic of Congo is very good. The bank has been around us and provides various forms of support in terms of operational and strategic recommendations. It has exerted an impact on the initiatives that support the Congo and is grateful for it,” concluded Anatole Collinet Makosso.

The cooperation between the African Development Bank and the Republic of Congo is based on National Strategic Paper (CSP) 2023-2028 (https://apo-opa.co/41eiymo), focusing on two priority areas: the development of sustainable infrastructure to enhance value chains with high growth potential and improve human capital and economic governance to support social inclusion.

Distributed by Apo Group on behalf of the African Development Bank Group (AFDB).



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