Thursday, February 27, 2025 Stock Drops as Revenue Growth Slows | Global News Avenue Stock Drops as Revenue Growth Slows | Global News Avenue Stock Drops as Revenue Growth Slows

Key Points

  • C3.AI reported lower stocks in the third quarter of fiscal 2025 revenue growth than earnings released in the previous quarter.
  • The losses for enterprise AI technology providers are much lower than those expected by analysts in the visible alpha survey.
  • C3.AI said that gross profit margin and operating profit margin are expected to be moderate.

C3. AI stocks (AI) Businesses fell 6% the day after Thursday Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology companies’ revenue growth slowed.

The company reported revenue in the third quarter of fiscal 2025 rose 26% year-on-year to $98.8 million, slightly higher than the forecasts of analysts in the Visible Alpha survey. However, earnings were smaller than the 29% increase in the second quarter. Subscription revenue grew 22% to $85.7 million, which is also much better than expected. C3.AI’s adjusted loss is about half of the estimated one.

The company expects it will see some moderation Gross profit margin According to the transcript of the earning call provided by Alphaense, the pilot combination has increased as the mix of pilots has increased. Furthermore, it expects its modest Operating profit margin In the short term, due to more investment in the business.

C3.AI stock jumped at the end of 2024, but has been steadily declining since then. Now, they have lost 17% of their value in the past year.




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