Renting Your Own Place Is Getting More Expensive
Having a location of your own might be nice and it may not feel good when the rent expires.
According to an analysis, the “single tax” – a separate renter pays for a one-bedroom apartment compared to someone who is split with a partner or roommate – averages over $7,500. By Zillow. Zillow said that marks a year-on-year increase of more than $450.
In other words, someone can save over $7,500 a year by allocating the average one-bedroom rent compared to someone who goes alone.
According to New York City brand Streeteasy, New York City received the highest point of the highest singles tax, with solo rentals paying about $20,000 in additional fees to set the thermostat to their own choice level, decorate the way they like and Have more personal space. . San Francisco; San Jose, California; Boston; Washington, DC, summarizes the top five cities in the United States with the highest singles tax.
The increase in housing costs has returned to pre-pandemic levels, making House costs are not too serious Prices of food and other necessities rise.
According to the Census Bureau, about one in 10 adults aged 18-34 and nearly one in 10 adults live alone in 2022.