Can Adults Really Increase Their Height? What to Know About Height Supplements
Even if you do not want the NBA or want to be a runway model, people who are very high can have its advantages. Your height will actually affect your financial status, and Personal health More than you might realize more. Even if you only get a height of one inch, you can help you earn $ 800 per yearEssence There may be one The positive relationship between height and social statusEssence People with higher people may not even experience some medical conditions Type 2 diabetes (Mainly related to the long legs of men) and Dementia (Also related to men, related to men).
So, how can you grow taller? A popular attempt is to use height supplements-for children and adolescents. Supplements such as Truheight, Nubest high, and bione claim that they can provide nutrients or enhance sleeping components through vitamins. Protein powder And sleep fudge. The overall goal is to help children and adolescents adopt healthy behaviors, because some of these behaviors may maximize their height.
Say this is It is estimated that about 80 % of the height From you GeneticismAccording to the National Medical Library. Other 20 % come from environmental factors that affect your health. Social and economic factors such as income, education and occupation will also affect height. Therefore, height supplements may not have the impact you think it will affect.
Now, let’s discuss whether the height supplement is effective and determined all the factors.
What is height supplement?
The height supplement is vitamin, which aims to cultivate everything required for health, strong bones and healthy sleep. However, it is important to pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient physical exercise (At least 60 minutes of moderate to severe physical exercise Suitable for children and adolescents 6 to 17 every day, and proper sleep itself is enough. These supplements are often suitable for children and adolescents, just like after adolescence is completed, You are unlikely to growEssence Some of the most common supplements include Truheight, Nubest Tall and Bione brands.
Is the height supplement effective?
The brief answer is that if you are children or adolescents, your height supplement may be helpful, but don’t expect a lot of benefits. If your child already has a healthy diet and is receiving enough physical exercise and obtaining sufficient sleep, then the height supplement may not be necessary. Of course, you need to consult your child’s doctor.
In other words, height supplements are not much helpful for you. However, they can supplement some of the nutrients you need Healthy dietPromoting growth. This is only suitable for people who have not yet experienced adolescence.
What factors will affect height?
PhD Paul Daidone True Self Recovery’s medical director said: “Highly influenced by the combination of genetic and environmental factors. The potential range of parents inherited by parents depends to a large extent on genetics. However, environmental factors, such as diet, overall health, exercise and hormone levels In the past few years, it also plays an important role in growth. ”
He continued: “In order to achieve the best height, children or adolescents must consume enough essential nutrients in the early and adolescents, including protein, vitamins (especially D and A), and minerals (such as calcium and zinc). Chronic diseases can also have a negative impact on height.
In addition, medical conditions will have a negative impact on your height. If you have any genetic disease, They can change your heightEssence Also applicable to Thyroid dysfunctional disorderEssence
You can draw the child’s height progress to see if the growth looks uniform. From the age of 2 to adolescence, your child should grow around 2.5 inches per yearEssence Diet, exercise, and medical conditions (such as insufficient thyroid disease) may cause growth higher than the average level. Work with your primary health doctor to ensure the nutrition and exercise required for your child to get the maximum growth potential.
What are the heights?
Several factors can prevent a person’s ability to achieve its high potential. They include:
- Genetics: Your height is up to 80 % of your DNA. If your parents and grandparents are shorter, you may fall into a short figure.
- Malnutrition: Your muscles and bones need enough VitaminFruit, vegetables, proteinEssence When the bones grow, they Use two unit groups to operate. The first is a bone extension with a protein, while the second is covered with protein with minerals such as calcium. If your diet does not contain enough nutrients, bones will not extend because they do not produce more cell groups.
- pressure: Stress affects the activity of hormones in human growth. Long -term exposure to stress can cause your brain to reduce insulin -like growth factor 1 and growth hormone. These hormones are Bone growth is importantEssence
- Medical condition: Some medical problems such as thyroid dysfunction, growth hormone deficiency and other medical problems may make it difficult for all your high potential.
- Environmental factors: Life You did not get enough water Or sleep can also damage your ability to grow. If you have a bad sleep over time, it can Obstructing the development of growth hormoneEssence
That’s why you should draw the growth of children, because it can reflect their overall health.
How to increase height naturally
Daidone pointed out: “Most people naturally stop the height of the bone growth disk after adolescence. Healthy diet,,,,, Regular exercise and Enough sleep Both can help promote the best growth and development of children’s periods and adolescence. ”
He continued: “Although there is a natural way to maximize a person’s genetic high potential in the growth stage, it is usually impossible to achieve the height of adults.”
Can adults increase height?
No, adults cannot significantly increase their height after the growth board is closed. The growth board is Long bone organization Among teenagers and children. They are weaker than the surrounding tendons and ligaments, making them more vulnerable to injury.
The growth board is close to adolescence. For girls, this can be About 13-15 years oldEssence At the same time, boys’ growth boards often stop growing between the ages of 15-17.
Bottom line
Tall high can improve your financial and social status. Your genetics plays an important role in your high school. Other factors, such as environment, pressure, nutrition and exercise, can also affect your height potential.
Some people turn to high supplements to help. When they provide the opportunity to get vitamins and minerals, you can also find them in a balanced diet. Children and teenagers can also support their height potential through healthy diet, exercise and proper sleep. Unfortunately, for adults, once your growth board is closed, there is no need to make too many heights.