Palestinian waits to hug her father for the first time
BBC News
After several hours of delay, there were rejoicing scenes here in Ramallah. About 60 Palestinian prisoners released their joy of their love for loved ones from Israel’s detention.
For the first time in 22 years, the 47 -year -old Hussain Nassar was arrested in 2003 for participating in the second Palestinian uprising or uprising.
Seeing him was his daughter, 22 -year -old Hedaya and Raghad, they were 21 years old. They all wore the eye -catching traditional red and black dresses from Nablus in their hometown.
The little daughter told me earlier that without a father, she could not describe such a long life.
“This is the first time I touch him. I will hug him. I can’t express my feelings.”
She met her father excitedly, and she said, “When my mother was pregnant, the Israelites arrested him. I think this is the first time I know a father feels!”
Among the 110 Palestinian prisoners released at this stage, there are still fragile ceasefires, and several women and children-the youngest 15 years old.
Some of them were accused of relatively small crimes, while others were not convicted or officially charged.
However, Israel does not allow 21 prisoners to return to Palestine’s territory and be exiled to Egypt or neighboring countries.
Zakaria Zubeidi is a senior figure without exile, although he was convicted for suspected Israeli death.
The former commander of the Al-AQSA martyr’s brigade is one of the several detainees that are raised on the streets near the Ramallah Municipal Center.
This is a scene, just like the earlier performance of Hamas held in Gasha, which will bother many Israelis, and will undoubtedly cause some right -wing politicians to , From Gaza’s re -call for the war against Hamas. The ceasefire is over.
For Ramallah and El Bireh governor, Dr. Leila Abu Ghanam, so many former prisoners’ home is a chance to celebrate.
However, as the Israeli military operations intensified in the northern part of the west coast, Gaza’s ceasefire was still under pressure.
“All the Palestinians are happy with the release of prisoners, but we are sad at that time. Today’s mother, although they are happy to release their children, but also sad for those mothers. Lost home and children. “
Today is one of the few days, covering this tricky conflict, so that I have seen a lot of happy faces in the Palestinians and Israelis.
This is a terrible destructive war that destroys many lives.
Governor Ganam accused the Israeli government of not being interested in peace. “But we won’t lose hope,” she said with a smile. “If we lose hope, the Palestinians will end 75 years ago.”
The next batch of prisoners issued in exchange for Israelic hostages should happen on Saturday.