A copy of the “JD Rockefeller on Amazon: 38 letters to his son: view, ideology, and wisdom” printing copy.
The mystery of the best -selling Amazon book is attributed to the growth of John D. Rockefeller as a college publisher. Although it is listed as a publisher, he denies any participation of the book.
CNBC began to put forward the authenticity of “JD Rockefeller’s 38 letters to his son: perspective, ideology, and wisdom”, which is John D. Rockefeller Sr.. Amazon, Barnes & Nive and other websites.
The mysterious origin of the “38 letters” has raised many issues related to the surge in books and wealth.
CNBC previously reported that this book ranked 22nd in the best -selling economic historical books in Amazon’s best -selling books, but it was full of factual errors. These letters are usually almost similar to other works in Rockefeller.
The task of the Rockefeller File Center includes the history of the charity family of Lockefeller’s charity family. He said that it could not find John D. Rockefeller Sr. or John D. Major facts in the book include John D. Rockefeller, who graduated from Brown, and mentioned Citibank’s 1902 letter until 1976.
In a statement, the archives said to CNBC: “The authenticity of this book ‘JD Rockefeller to my son is doubtful.”
What is confused is OpenStax, which is a non -profit publisher that opens educational resources at the University of Rice University. The publisher is listed as the publisher of the book in some printed products.
OpenStax’s spokesman told CNBC in a statement: “We are not the publishers of this title,” he added that the publisher is “investigating to protect our brand and ensure accurate information.”
The basic problem about this book has not been resolved: Who is the actual writer? So many readers lasted so long? Who is profitable?
Its popularity also emphasizes the last fascination of John D. Rockefeller, the U.S. -rustic Rockefeller’s John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller’s surname is in the seventh generation, wealth has surpassed new fate, and it still has almost a mythical position worldwide. Lockefeller owns the property, art and personal items sold from buyers around the world when they are sold.
PEGGY and David Rockefeller owns by the arts and personal objects John D. John D.
Rockefeller’s name even gave birth to a family hand industry even in the Rockefeller course and business suggestions in China.
The book “38 Letters” quickly became a popular financial and parenting consultation book on Amazon. 832 comments were conducted on the book sales website. The average comments were 4.7 stars of 5 stars on the 5 stars on the review website of Amazon.
A version of this book is that John D. Rockefeller Sr. Ng and Tan are unable to identify or contact the comment, and there is no information about them in the book or on Amazon.
Another version of this book shows John D. Rockefeller (John D. it does list OpenStax as a publisher and has the copyright of 2023. WeenStax said that it was not until CNBC and CNBC contact. Essence
Amazon refused to comment on this book or its authenticity. The company issued a statement to CNBC: “We have content guidelines to list which books can be sold. We have invested a lot of time and resources to ensure that we follow us.”
Amazon did not specify whether this book follows its guidelines. One of its guidelines is related to the “poor customer experience”, and refuses to “describe the description of the content to mislead customers, or to accurately represent the content of this book.” Barnes & Nive did not immediately respond to the comment request.
The letter of John D. Rockefeller Sr. is the theme of several real books. A book edited by Joseph W. Ernst, the director of the Archives Center, the title “Dear father, dear son: John D. Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller Jr., the most richest people in history. “
However, “38 letters” are full of modern vernacular and unusual reference. In some letters, the devout Baptist John D. SR. (John D. wrote a letter: “In my heart, I really retain a greedy place.” “Greed is necessary!”
A letter pointed out: “The first chapter of” Book of Wisdom “is also the last chapter, pointing out” There is no free lunch in the world. ‘”