These Student Loans Should Not Be Affected By Trump’s Temporary Loans And Grants Pause
Key points
- The White House sends a memorandum to all government agencies. Starting at 5 pm on Tuesday, it has ordered the stop, loan and other financial assistance plans for federal donations, loans and other financial assistance plans.
- The Ministry of Education stated that the federal student loans and gifts that were “directly received by individuals” would not be affected by temporary pause of the White House and temporarily pause of loans.
- It is unclear whether the suspension will affect non -direct loans or campus -based plans, such as Perkins loan.
The White House temporarily suspended federal donations and loans, but student loan borrowers may not be affected by this command.
Memo, get “New York Times” On Monday, other news media were sent to government agencies. The White House Budget Office said that the institution is about to Temporarily suspend Federal donations, loans and other fiscal assistance plans start at 5 pm on Tuesday
A spokesman for the Ministry of Education told INESTOPEDIA on Tuesday that this pause is not suitable for “directly provided to students” funds, such as Federal Perch gifts and direct loans. This means that students who still want to apply and collect expenditures under these plans should be able to do this.
More clarity required for other loan types
However, the Ministry of Education has not clarified whether this pause will affect non -direct loans, such as Federal Campus plans, such as federal work research or federal supplementary education funding programs (FSOG). Under these plans, the government sends funds to the participating schools, and then distributes funds to students.
When asked about these plans, the spokesman said: “On January 27, 2025, the funds of the OMB memorandum of OMB are only suitable for the discretion of the Ministry of Education. “” ”
Both Federal Work and Federal Education Gift Plan are not available for gifts as appropriate, but the spokesman did not comment directly on any plan.