Threat of abuse for disabled fans grows to record high – survey
The threat of abuse is a barrier to more disabled fans attending sporting events than ever before, according to a report by the charity Level Playing Field.
8.5% of fans cited disability abuse as a barrier, the highest figure in the annual survey conducted over the past four years.
It has risen from 5.5% in 2021 to 6.5% in 2022, then 7% in 2023 and will now rise by 1.5% in 2024.
“Clubs should ensure that there is a clear process for fans to report any disability discrimination they experience on match day and that fans are aware of this process,” the report said.
“All reports should be taken seriously, investigated and responded to. Administrators should receive appropriate training to recognize and take action on any disability abuse.”
Level Playing Field is a charity registered in England and Wales that works with fans and organizations to improve the experience of watching live sport for disabled fans.
This year’s survey received a record number of respondents – 2,055 responses from a total of 1,924 fans – some of whom also gave feedback on the second team they support.
Accessibility to stadiums is the most common issue disabled fans have when attending live sports, with 33% citing it.
Other key issues that stood out were the attitudes of other people (26%), difficulty buying tickets (24.5%), anxiety or lack of confidence (24%) and the costs involved (22.5%).
A total of 22% of disabled fans said they were unable to attend a sporting event or stadium because the venue was inaccessible, the lowest figure since the survey began.
Level Playing Field said clubs and other organizations had received their own specific reports, as well as full responses from disability supporters associated with them.
Tony Taylor, chairman of the Level Playing Field Committee, said in the report: “The key positive trend revealed by the results is that the proportion of disabled fans who feel unable to attend any sporting event or sports venue due to lack of access has fallen year-on-year.” .
“It is very encouraging to see a small decline in 2024, following a significant decline last year.
“Yet it remains completely unacceptable that more than one in five disabled sports fans are unable to attend certain events due to lack of transport.”