Today’s NYT Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for Jan. 17, #1308
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Today’s word puzzle There are no very rare letters, determined by us List the ranking of the most common letters of the alphabet. The first letter in today’s answer is the least used of the five letters, even though it’s not too far down the list. So you probably have no questions today, but if you want tips and answers, keep reading.
Today’s Wordle Tip
Before we show you today’s content Waddell Answer and we’ll give you some tips. If you don’t want spoilers, look away now.
Wordle Tip 1: Repeat
Today’s Wordle answer does not have repeated letters.
Wordle Tip 2: Vowels
There are two vowels in today’s Wordle answer.
Wordle Tip 3: Starting Letter
Today’s Wordle answer starts with the letter P.
Wordle Tip 4: The Ending
Today’s Wordle answer ends with a vowel.
Wordle Tip 5: Meaning
Today’s Wordle answer describes written or spoken language, but not poetry.
Today’s answer
Today’s Wordle answer is PROSE.
Yesterday’s Wordle Answers
Yesterday’s Wordle answer (January 16, No. 1307) was FLINT.
Recent Wordle Answers
January 12, Issue 1303: Total
January 13, Issue 1304; Cloak
January 14, Issue 1305: FANCY
January 15, Issue 1306: KNACK