The Best Gifts for Hikers, From Their Feet to Their Butts
There are about a thousand different things you can try to repel mosquitoes, but in my experience, few of them are 100% effective, and those that are effective shouldn’t be living on or near your skin every day. You can’t always control when you get bitten, but there are things you can do to stop those bites from driving you crazy. What I found particularly interesting was the Heat It, an accessory that plugs into your phone’s charging port and uses an app to create a hot spot that dissolves itch-causing chemicals when pressed. The app also lets you log the number of bites and symptoms to better help you determine if you should take additional steps to protect your health.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Android version of this accessory is USB-C but does not work with the new iPhone 15 series. An Apple-specific version is coming soon, but currently only supports iPhone 14 and earlier.