Today’s NYT Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for Nov. 21, #1251
looking for latest Word answer? Click here to see today’s Wordle tipas well as daily answers and clues for the New York Times mini crossword, join and chain puzzles.
There are many others Online word games Now, but I’m still reading the New York Times Waddell There are games every day. Today, it’s not only an old friend, but also a great warm-up for Connections, Strands, and others.
In addition, we also Rank all letters of the alphabet by popularityif you want to use this list to decide on the best starting word.
Daily Wordle Tips
I’ve written a lot about Wordle – from Covers word 1,000 to my list best opening words to a Useful two-step strategy news about Controversial word changes. I’ve even rounded What I Learned from Playing the Popular Online Word Puzzle for a Whole Year. If you’re reconsidering your need for real answers, you can try the prompts in one of the stories.
Do you still need an opening statement? One person told me that they just looked around and chose a five-letter object they found as their starting word—like a couch or a chair. I tend to stick with starting words with the most common letters in English words. I like TRAIN as a launcher, although I have a friend who uses TRAIL. i read people Use the financial term ROATEbut I like to use words I actually know.
What is wordle?
If you’ve read this far, you know how to play. You have six chances to guess a five-letter word, and the game gives you feedback as to whether the letters you guessed are in the puzzle and whether they are in the same position as you guessed. new york times Purchased the game from creator Josh Wardle By 2022, this number will reach seven figures. Waddell created the game for his partner and asked her to narrow down the 12,000 five-letter words in the English language to 2,500, creating a database of answers. It’s also convenient that his name echoes “the word”.
A spokesman for The Times told me it listed the first Wordle that appeared on June 19, 2021, and that the newspaper Celebrating the 1,000th word in the game on March 15th. Spoiler: The 1000th word is ERUPT. For example, “If Wordle gets too tough and loses his streak, Dad will explode.”
Today’s Wordle Tip
Before we show you today’s content Waddell Answer and we’ll give you some tips. If you don’t want spoilers, look away now.
Wordle Tip 1: Repeat
Today’s Wordle answer does not have repeated letters.
Wordle Tip 2: Vowels
There are two vowels in today’s Wordle answer.
Wordle Tip 3: The First Letter
Today’s Wordle answer starts with the letter S.
Wordle Tip 4: Body
Today’s Wordle answer refers to body parts.
Wordle Tip 5: Meaning
Wordle’s answer today could also refer to the courage it takes to stand up for yourself.
Today’s answer
Today’s Wordle answer is SPINE.
Yesterday’s Wordle Answers
Yesterday’s Wordle answer (November 20, No. 1,250) was NICHE.
Recent Wordle Answers
November 16, No. 1,246: VISOR
November 17, Issue 1,247: TALLY
November 18, No. 1,248: Vulnerable
November 19, No. 1,249: In Progress