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6 Natural Sugar Substitutes to Use Instead of the Processed Stuff | Global News Avenue

6 Natural Sugar Substitutes to Use Instead of the Processed Stuff

You don’t need to give up sugar to be healthy. Your body needs sugar for energy. That said, there are limits to how much you should eat. one ideal diet Contains no more than 10% of calories from added sugar, which is 12 teaspoons per an average 2,000-calorie intake.

You shouldn’t cut sugar from your diet, but focus on the type of sugar you’re consuming.

Natural sugar alternatives are a great way to sweeten your favorite foods while reaping the health benefits. Read on to find out what our top six natural sugar alternatives are worth trying. You might be surprised by how many you already have in your pantry.

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What are sugar substitutes?

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Before we discuss sugar alternatives, it’s important to clarify sugar Not inherently a bad thing for you. This is vital to your health. Your body converts carbohydrates into glucose (a form of sugar), which is the main source of energy to keep your body moving and your brain functioning. Despite what some popular diet fads promote, without carbs and sugar, you may experience health problems and symptoms such as low energy, sleep problems, and brain fog.

The goal should not be to avoid sugar, but to consume it correct type Sugary. Much of today’s American diet contains added sugars, which are processed and refined to add intense sweetness but not much substance. Ultra-refined white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup are common ingredients in sodas, pastries, breads and condiments. They are delivered quickly into your bloodstream without adding other nutritional value. Excessive consumption of these sugars May cause serious health complicationsincluding hypertension, diabetes and fatty liver disease.

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You can find the amount of added sugar on any food’s Nutrition Facts label and ingredient list. The higher the amount of added sugar on the ingredient list, the more sugar is in the product. Added sugar goes by many names, such as brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, dextrose, high-fructose corn syrup, maltose syrup, maltose, and sucrose.

In contrast, natural sugars are unrefined or only lightly processed and occur naturally in many foods. fruitFor example, it contains fructose, but is also high in fiber, providing your body with a balanced combination of nutrients. Honey and maple syrup Naturally sweet, yet rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

You can also add a variety of natural sweeteners and sugar substitutes to foods and beverages to provide sweetness without the drawbacks of refined sugar. Examples of these sugar substitutes include sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, artificial sweeteners Examples include natural sweeteners such as aspartame and stevia.

From talking refrigerators to iPhones, our experts are here to help the world become less complex.

Best Natural Sugar Alternatives

Honey jar and honey dipper shot from above on white background Honey jar and honey dipper shot from above on white background

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The good news: If you want to cut back on sugar, you still have plenty of options for keeping things sweet. Here are six of the best natural sugar alternatives you can add to your diet in place of refined sugar.


Honey has long been appreciated not only for its natural sweetness but also for its nutritional value. Bees extract it from plant nectar during pollination, and it contains a range of beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants.

Dark, unprocessed honey is especially rich in flavonoids and phenolic acids. These offers many benefitsincluding positive effects on cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and respiratory health. it has even been shown to be Reduce seasonal allergies.

maple syrup

Another popular natural sweetener is maple syrup, which finds a place in many pancakes. If you’re cutting back on sugar, you might not want to eat the pancakes, but keep the syrup because syrup is produced from juice Sugar maple tree.

This is because maple syrup, like honey, contains antioxidants and minerals that can good for your health. Many of the unique compounds found in maple syrup have been shown to help fight cancer and diabetes. this Maple syrup becomes darkerthe less refined it is, the more of these benefits it can provide.


If you don’t like the taste of maple syrup or honey but still want a way to sweeten your drinks and recipes, stevia is a great natural sugar substitute to try. This sweetener is made from the stevia plant, 200 to 400 times sweeter Than table sugar.

As a sugar substitute, stevia is non-nutritive, meaning it contains almost no calories. It just adds sweetness, which may be just what you need when cutting back on sugar. Stevia has also been Associated with lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. Keep in mind that many stevia products on the market contain other processed ingredients or sugar alcohols, so it’s important to do your research before using them.

fruit puree

A wooden spoon scoops applesauce out of a silver pot on a white background. A wooden spoon scoops applesauce out of a silver pot on a white background.

Annick van der Schelden Photography/Getty Images

If you’re looking for a more nutritionally balanced sugar, raw fruit is your best option. Dietary fiber in raw fruits aids digestion and Slow down sugar metabolismreduce blood sugar spikes that may be caused by juice or sugar additives. Eating fiber-rich foods can also help you Reduce total caloric intake and reduce risk of heart disease.

Fruit purees offer many of the same benefits, and they can be added to other foods as a sweetener. For example, applesauce can be used as an egg substitute in many recipes, and berry puree is also a great addition. Plain, unsweetened yogurt.

Luo Han Guo

Monk fruit is another plant-based sugar alternative. The substance is extracted from Luo Han Guo, also known as Luo Han Guo, a small round fruit commonly found in Southeast Asia. Although monk fruit itself contains fructose and glucose, these are actually removed during the extraction process process, producing a non-nutritive sweetener that is about 100 times sweeter than sugar.

Monk fruit is relatively new on the market, so further research is needed to determine all of its potential health benefits. Research on other non-nutritive sweeteners shows promising results in weight management and Prevent diabetes. The naturally sweet mogroside in monk fruit is also Contains antioxidantshelps with immune health and cancer prevention.


Juice is a natural sweetener that you can drink on its own, add to other drinks or condiments, and even use in cooking. 100% fruit juice is a better choice than refined table sugar or high fructose corn syrup because juice is natural and unprocessed. it’s also Contains high amounts of vitamins and nutrients.



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